




                      to Build Your Own Peace Wall

The following is a brief outline of the major steps involved in building your own culmination of the PEP, your own peace wall, a unique reflection and symbol of your community life. More detailed information, including books, video tapes, sample budgets, checklists and more, are available from WWFP to assist you in grant writing, planning and administration, organizing and teaching the PEP.

  1. Contact WWFP (see About WWFP) to discuss your desire to build a wall and the options available.
  2. Form a group that wants to build a wall (Peace Wall Leadership Core, see below), and select a leader (Community Energy Organizer, or CEO).
  3. Contract with WWFP
  4. Complete the Peace Empowerment Process (PEP) with a certified PEP trainer from WWFP.
  5. Find a location. It must be accessible under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and roughly eight feet tall.  The location should have a long expected life B ceramic tile lasts a long time!  Obtain permission for use. Many peace walls are constructed by applying the tiles to an existing wall, beautifying already existing environments and rejuvenating old buildings. However, occasionally an actual wall is constructed specifically for mounting the tiles. (See photograph of construction of the Berkeley wall, below.). Most peace walls are outdoors, but indoor walls work just as well.
  6. Decide how your project is to be funded.  A general guideline for costs and sample budget are included in the AStarter Package@ from WWFP. Walls are generally funded by a combination of foundation grants, public funds, individual contributions and community fundraising.
  7. Complete the art project which culminates the PEP for your group. Your own community expression of the WWFP can be ceramic tiles, a quilt, a collage, a painted peace power design, a book, a playB any collaborative creative work that expresses your community=s non-violent cohesiveness. If a tile wall is what your group decides to create, you will paint tiles, arrange and install them in collaboration with WWFP. One or more artists may be invited to paint a centerpiece or additional soloist groups, and the wall will include the WWFP logo and thank you tiles for people and organizations that helped with your peace project. (See our Photo Gallery.)

See the "Checklist for Creating a Section of the World Wall for Peace" (available from WWFP) for a detailed list of all the issues that need to be considered when building a wall.


Peace Walls are organized by the Peace Wall Leadership Core, a team of devoted volunteers located in participating communities the world over. Each person in the local team makes a commitment to facilitate the painting of tiles by community members. The World Wall for Peace trains these volunteers to go out and create Peace Walls in their community by:

  • Teaching the Peace Empowerment Process
  • Accessing the media   Fundraising
  • Maintaining effective group process
  • Tile arrangement and installation
  • Community organizing skills
  • Creative interdependence
  • Inspired leadership


Construction of the original World Wall for Peace in Martin Luther King Park in Berkeley

berkeley constr.jpg





Individually Painted Tiles

Building a Wall

Peace Empowerment Process

Creativity in the Lions' Den

Contacting WWFP

South Africa Project