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The Peace Empowerment Process

Peace is a verb. Peace is every breath, every step, every mile.

Personal peace evolves from knowing our own peace powers and making choices to use them. Partnership peace and community peace involve interaction, cooperation and service.

The Peace Empowerment Process (PEP) is a way of thinking, being, and action that is taught through a series of integrative experiential lessons. It is an Anatomy of Non Violence. It teaches that Peace is alive. Peace is power. Peace is not being bored, passive or dead, because it is a dynamic, exciting and fulfilling way to interact with life. "Peace" is a verb.

Students learn to identify over a hundred Peace Powers that are the creative energy, gifts, talents, and resources of the authentic self.  They learn what creativity is and how to use it to communicate through all of their powers. They learn that creative thought and energy fulfill hopes, dreams, and desires, and transforming life always involves the bringing together of opposites and differences.

They learn that creativity as a peace power can be as simple as picking up the phone, cooking a meal together, sewing a quilt, painting a tile, singing a song, writing a poem of building a bridge together. There's no requirement of sainthood, or even "good girl" or "good boy" or even mensch -hood to emerge into a new creative energy and walk this peaceful path.

Students discover how creativity can prevent violence by learning about and working with The Blueprint of Emotional Wisdom. They learn how to identify and use their emotions rather than being stuck in them or hijacked by them in reactions.  They work with a continuum of  Peace choices in the Anger, Fear, Guilt, and Disappointment  Zones.  They are given a solid foundation of values that are inclusive of all cultures and religions. 

These symbolic values are mapped out in the Earth, Air, Fire, and Water of Peace.  The Earth energy encompasses loyalty, trust, food, clothing and shelter. Air includes respect, acceptance and belonging. Fire gives the freedom to choose, the power to be and to do, and access to the gifts, talents and resources of your authentic self. Water brings praise and affection, empathy and compassion, and forgiveness.


If you are part of a WWFP project, learn the PEP and enjoy teaching it, you might be a candidate for certification in the process. To learn more, contact us.






Individually Painted Tiles

Building a Wall

Peace Empowerment Process

Creativity in the Lions’ Den

Contacting WWFP

South Africa Project